غزة تتعرض للقصف. فهل هناك من يقف امام العدوان الصهيوني وأميركا تدعم إسرائيل بكل الطرق. إسرائيل هي قاتلة الأطفال والنساء و امريكا هي السلاح الحاد. تحميل التطبيق!

death farm

Before we tell our story today, we must remember events similar to this story, but they happened in the United States of America. In 1978, the polic

 Before we tell our story today, we must remember events similar to this story, but they happened in the United States of America. In 1978, the police found the bodies of 900 people inside a farm, all of them belonged to a religious sect that decided to commit suicide collectively so that they could enter heaven together.  There was a common belief among them that it is better for them to die collectively so that they obtain bliss in the afterlife. We come to our story today, which took place in 2015 AD in one of the Arab countries, specifically in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in the Al-Safwa region of the Qatif Governorate, where there was a person who owned  A large farm and the owner of the farm wanted to rent it, so he rented it from someone who was managing it, and after the lease contract expired, the owner of the farm decided to take his farm and do some maintenance matters.  Buried in his farm, the farm owner immediately went to the police station and informed them about the incident. The security forces and forensic medicine were absent. The body was without features and did not have any papers or evidence.  Atat, the biggest problem was that the owner of the farm did not rent it to a person, but to several people over the past years, and so there are many people suspected of being responsible for this.  The search and this person completed the excavation operations to make the biggest surprise, the farm owner found 4 other bodies, this time was different, there is a body of the corpses found among her clothes on proof of identity in addition to a ring bearing the name of the corpse’s wife already after reviewing the data by the police was  Confirmation that the name engraved on the ring is indeed the wife of the owner of the corpse, the police arrested all the arrivals who were related to this dead person, the forensic medicine also discovered that the last four bodies were buried alive, and thus the matter turned into a case  criminal.

 The fifth corpse was beaten and stabbed before being buried, and therefore this corpse was buried while it was dead. Then the police arrested more than 26 people of Indian nationality, all of whom were related to the corpses. The strange thing is that the owners of the bodies were working in  Different professions, what brought them together on the farm?  This is the mystery that the police were looking for an answer to. We must know that the five bodies that were discovered on the farm are the bodies of Indian people, some of whom were a carpenter and another worked in a grocery store, and so on, and after interrogations and investigations, all the arrested persons denied their connection to the bodies.  The arrested Indians thought that the owners of these corpses had left Saudi Arabia, and after more investigations, interrogations and evidence from forensic medicine, the police were finally able to determine the time of death of these Indians, as the year of death was 5 years ago, i.e. in 2010 AD, the police searched for the person who  He rented the farm in 2010 AD, only to discover that he was a Saudi citizen from the city of Safwa itself, and after his arrest, this person confessed to everything, as he admitted that he was renting the farm to make alcohol on it and that these five were working with him in making alcohol and selling it to the labor  The foreigner is located in the Qatif Governorate, and this person was earning a lot of money from selling alcohol.

 This Saudi person discovered that these five were stealing him and selling a share of the alcohol for their own benefit, so he decided to punish them.  Drunk, helpless, he tied them up and buried them alive, thus bringing the curtain down on the Death Farm case.

 This case was a case of public opinion and occupied all the media, and after deliberations in the courts, this Saudi person and his two relatives were sentenced to death, and three Indian workers in the city of Safwa were also sentenced to flogging and imprisonment because they were working in the sale of alcohol for the benefit of  This Saudi man, and thus ended the events of one of the most mysterious stories in the history of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The police searched for the person who rented the farm in 2010 AD, only to discover that he was a Saudi citizen from the city of Safwa itself, and after his arrest, this person confessed to everything,  Where he admitted that he was renting the farm to make liquor there, and that these five were working with him in making liquor and selling it to foreign workers in Qatif Governorate, and this person was earning a lot of money from selling liquor.

 This Saudi person discovered that these five were stealing him and selling a share of the alcohol for their own benefit, so he decided to punish them.  Drunk, helpless, he tied them up and buried them alive, thus bringing the curtain down on the Death Farm case.

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