غزة تتعرض للقصف. فهل هناك من يقف امام العدوان الصهيوني وأميركا تدعم إسرائيل بكل الطرق. إسرائيل هي قاتلة الأطفال والنساء و امريكا هي السلاح الحاد. تحميل التطبيق!

True story of a girl

 I am a 17 year old young man

 My story is a bit strange. From my childhood I loved the stories of the jinn, or rather everything related to the jinn, perhaps because strange situations happened to me before. I think it was what made my heart dead and my mind obsessed with things beyond nature, I want to know everything about the jinn, search In books and the internet and I read books about how to prepare jinn, in fact I was eager to do this, but fortunately the circumstances forced me not to start this ritual because I had to bring some things that were impossible to bring back then, I was about 13 years old, One cold winter's day I was sitting in front of the fireplace and I fell asleep, so I went to bed and fell asleep, as if I had entered into a slumber, a deep slumber, I saw in my sleep as if I had a twinkle, my mother seemed a little arrogant and looked at me with devilish looks, and I was in a state of fear And as if he was controlling me with his looks that suggest to me that he is a malicious demon who does every movement like mine, as if I was next to mirrors. Something, the important thing, and so that I do not dwell on you, this dream was as a prelude to what is to come, two days later I used to read on the web pages from one page to another, until I found myself in the way of seeing the jinn, and I wish I had not entered this page that turned my life into hell, I turned it from light to darkness, I was curious to read that text

 The text says to sit in a darkened room with very little light and mirrors and write some inverted letters and some repeated words and sit and see yourself in the mirrors, I did exactly that. I see, I will see the jinn, in the first five minutes nothing happened, I started to be confined and say I wasted my time on trifles, but hey! What is that ? My facial features began to change in front of the mirrors. At this moment, I felt great fear, a fear I had never felt before. I wanted to escape, but my body could not move. All I could do now was look in the mirrors only. Indeed it is air! He told me do you want to see my real face? , What is that ? Someone talking to me from behind the mirror? I could hear my heart beating fast, I couldn't respond to it, a white light came out from those mirrors and hit me and I passed out and I didn't wake up until tomorrow, when I woke up very happy and said thank God for what happened to me nothing happened, I went to drink my coffee As usual with my family, I did not tell them about anything that happened last night. I was satisfied with silence. I continued my normal day like the rest of the days, but at nine o’clock at night I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth to sleep until I saw the features of my face changed and I realized that it was yes, the same fear I felt that night came back Yesterday, he said to me, I will not leave you until you go crazy or die, you are the one who called me and I will ruin your life, I did not speak a single word of so much fear, even my knees couldn't paralyze me, and now I am in grief and regret, I went to a lot of tenderness and psychiatrists and Even the magicians, but all this did not work, and so far I see him in the mirror and threaten me, but my fear has decreased a little despite his demonic looks that make you pee on your pants. Necessary and quickly get away from it again.

 I ask every reader to take a lesson from me and not run after trivialities. This little mistake made me lose my life and made me dead alive, other than psychological diseases that push me to commit suicide to get rid of the fear of women. I hope you do not tamper and read any talisman or anything related to the jinn. Or I tried anything on the pretext that it wouldn't do me any harm

 Expired ....

إرسال تعليق

الموافقة على ملفات تعريف الارتباط
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يبدو أن هناك خطأ ما في اتصالك بالإنترنت. يرجى الاتصال بالإنترنت والبدء في التصفح مرة أخرى.
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